Welly Walks

Is there a person in Somerset without a pair of wellies? Due to much of the county being low lying we regularly have flooded fields and sadly flooded homes and businesses.  Wellies are staple footwear over autumn, winter and spring for many people as you never know when you might come across a puddle turned lake.

Wellies are just so easy, shove your feet in them and you’re out the door- no extra time needed faffing with laces. Perfect if you’re off out on the dog walk, or down the stables, it’s just getting wellies off again at the end which is a whole different story.

River Parrett
River Parrett


Anyone else find wellies cold on their feet? The thin rubber doesn’t protect your feet from the coldness of the wind or water. Thick socks to help to keep your toes warm, we would recommend looking for socks made out of natural fibres like bamboo or merino wool.  Depending on the shape of your feet, wellies are often tight across the top of your feet, which is where all the veins are. These veins carry all the warm blood to your toes, so if your wellies are too tight they will restrict the blood flow, causing you to have colder feet.

Wellies are one of those products that are worth investing money into a good pair rather than buying cheap ones every year. Better quality brands will have bonus features like adjustable straps on the back. There are all sorts of styles to consider: height of the boot, neoprene panels and depth of the grip. If you’re favourite walk is anywhere near the picturesque River Parrett then I think you’re going to need tall wellies (or possibly waders!).

If you’ve been in to see me and I’ve prescribed you insoles- don’t forget to pop them in your wellies before you go out, your feet could do with the extra support as wellies do not offer much ankle support.

One last point- when trying wellies on, make sure you have the insoles and thick socks with you, even wear your favourite walking trousers as all these will have an impact on the fit. You may find you need a size larger than you usually wear to accommodate the extra layers.

Happy walking- and remember you’re never too old to jump in a puddle!