Why you should love and take care of your feet

The most overlooked parts of the body—your feet. Our feet do so much for us every single day, yet they often get the least attention. Whether you’re strolling through Glastonbury’s historic streets, hiking across the Quantock Hills, or just going about your daily routine, your feet are there every step of the way (pun intended!). But how often do we stop and appreciate them?

When you take care of your feet it can lead to a happier, healthier life.


Your Feet Are Your Foundation

Think of your feet as the foundation of a house. If the foundation is strong, the house stands tall and secure. If it’s weak, everything above it suffers. Your feet bear the weight of your entire body, absorbing pressure and ensuring balance as you walk, run, or stand. When your feet are healthy, they support you in staying active, mobile, and pain-free.


But when they’re neglected, small issues like dry skin or minor aches can turn into bigger problems, such as foot pain, joint issues, or even back pain. Caring for your feet means caring for your whole body, helping you stay strong and resilient for whatever life throws your way.


Healthy Feet Boost Your Overall Well-being

It’s easy to forget how much we rely on our feet until something goes wrong. But the truth is, healthy feet are closely linked to our overall well-being. Think about how uncomfortable even a small blister or sore spot can make you feel. Suddenly, a simple walk to the shops becomes a painful chore, or you might avoid activities you love, like a peaceful walk around the Somerset Levels, just because your feet hurt.


By taking care of your feet, you’re investing in your comfort and freedom of movement. With happy feet, you’re free to stay active, fit, and enjoy life to the fullest without being held back by discomfort.


Foot Health Is Linked to Serious Conditions

It’s not just about comfort—foot health can also be an indicator of other health issues. Conditions like diabetes, arthritis, and poor circulation can often first show symptoms in your feet. For example, people with diabetes need to be especially mindful of foot care because they may experience reduced sensation in their feet. This can lead to unnoticed cuts or sores, which can become serious if left untreated.


By paying attention to your feet and scheduling regular check-ups with a podiatrist, you can spot potential health problems early and take proactive steps to address them. In many cases, early intervention can prevent complications and keep you healthier in the long run.


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Prevent Problems Before They Start

Many of the common foot problems I see as a podiatrist—like corns, calluses, ingrown toenails, or heel pain—are preventable with regular care. By giving your feet the attention they deserve, you can prevent small issues from turning into bigger, more painful problems down the road.

  • Wear the right shoes: Ill-fitting shoes are often the culprit behind many foot issues. Make sure your shoes fit properly, provide adequate support, and allow your toes some wiggle room.
  • Moisturise daily: Dry, cracked heels are not only uncomfortable, but they can also lead to infections. A good foot cream can work wonders in keeping your skin soft and supple.
  • Keep your nails neat: Trimming your toenails straight across can help prevent ingrown toenails, which can be painful and lead to infections if not managed properly.


Your Feet Can Keep You Active and Adventurous

Here in Somerset, we’re lucky to have such wonderful landscapes and outdoor activities at our doorstep. From exploring the rolling hills of Exmoor to enjoying a day out on the Somerset coast, your feet are key to getting out and enjoying life’s adventures.

By keeping your feet healthy, you’re ensuring you can continue to explore and stay active for years to come. Whether you’re hiking, cycling, or simply walking with friends, healthy feet help you stay mobile and experience the joys of life.

Love Your Feet, Love Your Life

At the end of the day, your feet are what keep you grounded—literally! Showing your feet a little love can go a long way in improving your quality of life. When your feet feel good, you feel good, and you’re free to do the things that make you happy, whether that’s dancing, hiking, or just enjoying a long walk through our lovely Langport.


So, next time you look down at your feet, take a moment to appreciate all that they do for you. With regular care, attention, and a little pampering, your feet will continue to carry you through life’s journeys with ease and comfort. And if you ever need advice or help, don’t hesitate book an appointment with me.