Sitting too much?

Humans aren’t designed to sit around for hours every day; we should be on our feet, moving around. Working at a desk for hours and sitting on the sofa all day does lead to problems with your health.   I’m speaking to two groups of people here: those glued to their computer screens and the…

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From your shoulders to your toes

Laser treatment for all joint and muscle pain

People of Somerset did you know you have an unusual podiatrist in Langport? Me!  Because of my years of nursing combined with years of a being podiatrist. What does that mean for you- the conditions I can treat are a lot more varied that just a standard podiatrist. A podiatrist can treat the lower limb,…

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Summer tips

Summer is here, and it looks good; it’s only June. We hopefully have at least another three months of this.   I have a scattergun of thoughts for you this month, mostly feet related, but some are just health notices, so stick with me.   1-   Nail polish, this needs to be removed before your…

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Feet are a masterpiece of engineering

People of Langport, you’re probably unaware that April is a BIG month for feet. We have Walk to work week, UK Foot Health Week, National Feet Week and World Health Day. I’m a member of The Royal College of Podiatrists, and they are running a campaign from the 24th – 30th of April, focusing on…

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Walking in Langport

Every Friday, you’ll find me out walking around Langport. I love Somerset; we are lucky to call this beautiful (if wet) county home. I have a walking buddy, and we make it our aim to try a new route and, of course, test out ALL the local coffee shops and pubs! I find going for…

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Common Winter Foot Problems

Winter walks on Somerset levels

The temperature is getting chillier day by day, so we put on the layers, light a fire and snuggle up for the winter. Gone are the days of bare feet and sandals; we now need woolly socks and cosy slippers.   During the winter months, we actually see our feet for maybe only a few…

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All About The Chaps

Right then, men, what is stopping you from caring for your feet? -Can’t find the time -Embarrassed -Is it that important? Well, if you don’t find the time to care for yourself, the problems will get worse until they start impacting your daily life and then you will regret not getting it sorted out earlier.…

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Foot Problems From Standing

Are you always on your feet? Do you have a job that requires you to stand for hour on end? Standing doesn’t sound that taxing but in reality it takes it’s toll on your body, it can actually cause more problems than if you were moving about. We all have to earn money and when…

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Hot Tub and Swimming Pool Safety

Foot safety at swimming pools and hot tubs

I don’t want to be a spoilsport and ruin your fun as life is about having fun and making memories, especially when near a swimming pool or hot tub. Watching the family bomb into a pool at a villa, lazily swimming lengths or enjoying glasses of fizz whilst relaxing in the tub are great…… but;…

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Pods Heal Heels

Heel pain treatment in Langport

The what, why, when and ways of heel pain What Heel pain can be anything from sharp, shooting pains to a continuous, dull ache. It might be worse in the mornings, at the end of the day or after exercise. You might feel it under your heel, around the back or even across the top…

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